Ford Owner's Manuals > Flex > 2018 Ford Flex

2018 Ford Flex Owner's Manual

2018 Ford Flex Review

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2018 Ford Flex Owner's Manual On this page you will find a owner's manual for the car 2018 Ford Flex, which you can view online in pdf format or download for free to your computer.

If you do not find the information you need on this page, we advise you to look at other model years.

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Common reasons that the 2018 Ford Flex will not start are a dead battery, a starter or alternator malfunction.

1) The simplest one can be seen on the windshield on the driver's side - at the very bottom.
2) The Vin number is also stamped in the front passenger floor under the trim.
These are the most common places where you can see the VIN code of a Ford. If you can't find the 2018 Ford Flex VIN number, look in the owner's manual.

Every 2018 Ford Flex requires maintenance at least once a year or approximately every 10,000 miles, you can find out exactly in the owner's manual for your car.

Your 2018 Ford Flex should have tires replaced approximately every 4 years or approximately 30,000 miles, and it is recommended that tires be checked periodically for wear and damage.

Batteries wear out for many reasons, there is no ideal time frame, but on average, replace the battery in your 2018 Ford Flex every 4 years.